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How to make No-Bake Biscoff Lotus Cheesecake

No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake

This no-bake lotus biscoff cheesecake tastes amazing! Combination of creamcheese and lotus biscoff butter is like heaven and the lotus biscoff gives it the most delicious flavor!

I am not a big fan of lotus biscuit but i wanted to eat it all!

I have been seeing it all over and in the end i wanted to give it a try after a special request from my fiancée. ^^,

We loved it! The cream mixture tastes the same as Nugger sandwich ice cream, i made a little sandwiches and put it in the fridge! Omg, so good!

If you are not like me and already a fan of lotus biscuits or lotus biscuit butter, you really need to try it!

How to make it:

Please let me know if you try this recipe, i would love to know how they turn out and if you like them!

Leave me a comment below, it will make me the happiest!

How to make No-Bake Lotus Biscoff Cheesecake

This no-bake lotus biscoff cheesecake tastes amazing! Combination of creamcheese and lotus biscoff butter is like heaven and the lotus biscoff gives it the most delicious flavor! Even though I am not a big fan of lotus biscuit, i wanted to eat it all!


  • 250g lotus biscuits
  • 60g unsalted butter, melted (4 tbsp)
  • 400ml heavy cream (2 cups)
  • 75g powder sugar (3/4 cups)
  • 1 tbsp of vanilla extract/vanilla
  • 400ml cream cheese, room temperature (2 1/2 cups)
  • 400g lotus butter = 200g (1/2 cups) for the cream cheese mixture and the rest for topping


    1. Blitz the biscuits in a food processor into crumbs.
    2. Pour the melted butter into biscuit crumbs and mix well. - Set 2 tablespoons a side for the topping.
    3. Place the mixture at the bottom of your pan and press down the mixture well until all stick each other.
    4. Chill it in the fridge for at least an hour.
    5. In a large bowl, mix the room temperature cream cheese, powder sugar and lotus butter very well until it is smooth with an help of a spatula.
    6. In a seperate bowl, whip the heavy cream with an electric mixer until it is soft peaks form.
    7. Slowly add the cream into cream cheese mixture until it is perfectly combined.
    8. Pour the mixture over chilled biscuit base, smooth the top with an offset spatula and put it into fridge for at least 5 hours or preferably overnight.
    9. Melt the remaning lotus butter by placing the jar in a bowl with boiled water.
    10. Pour the melted lotus bread over chilled cream cheese and make the top smooth.
    11. Sprinkle the biscuit crumbs that was placed aside on top of the butter.
    12. Chill it for an hour in the fridge and then you can serve!
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